Information about our Participating Organizations and the Ouray County Community Calendar Project
- * Participating Organizations
- * About the Project
- * Calendar Contacts
Participating Organizations -
Ouray County Juvenile Diversion & Services | 970-325-7244 | helene@ouraynet.com
Ouray Masonic Lodge | 970-325-4277
Parents and Teachers Working Together (PATT) | simba@ouraynet.com

About the Community Calendar Project -
Ouray County is a vibrant area containing the populated areas of the City of Ouray, Town of Ridgway, Colona, Log Hill Mesa, and the ranchlands, wildlands, historic mining districts and ghost towns of the surrounding mesas and alpine areas.
Ouray County is benefitted by numerous non-profit arts organizations, museums, natural hot springs and vapor caves, event facilities, lodging, restaurants, and two Chambers (Ouray Chamber Resort Association & Ridgway Area Chamber of Commerce).
To help our organizations, governments and schools plan events without overlapping on others, we have built this community calendar. We hope this will become THE place to find out what is going on in our great County for community members and visitors planning trips. We can all thrive together! We hope this will be a valuable tool for event planners, citizens, and visitors.
This calendar can be embeded in any web site-- so rather than having multiple calendars to keep up with, we can all see the same one, live, from our community organizations' web sites. Participating organizations can also chose to embed an "Upcoming Events" scroller, a mini-calendar, RSS feeds or just link to this site.
Rather than have the burden of keeping up with so many active and important groups, that are essential to bringing the quality of life and array of activities community members and visitors enjoy, we anticipate a subcommittee of volunteers will update the site. This is easily done with a login and password. Others may use the "Suggest an Event" feature at the top of the page to submit an event to be added to the calendar.
Important Disclaimer

Calendar Contacts -
Lynn Padgett (Ouray County Commissioner, District 1) --
